Hi, my name is Arlo from Oruaiti School. but hey, you probably already know that since you looking at this blog. Anyway, the other day, my teacher (Wheae Jorja) accidentally hit a kiwi on the road thinking it was a possum. You see, i'm not trying to make her look evil, but she didn't mean to! There was a possum dead on the road and she thought it was a kiwi. I'm assuming she hit it with the bumper. Still, she did NOT mean to! I'll tell you the proper story: she was driving home (I think) and she saw a dead possum, and next to it was another possum. She thought 'oh yeah, another possum' But then, it lifted it's long kiwi beak. But it was too late. it had already been hit. She came to school sad and told us the whole accident... R.I.P Kiwi. Well, uhhh, that's it. Bye!